Fund Management

Mutual Fund

  • Open End Mutual Fund: An open-end fund is one that is available for subscription all through the year and is not listed on the stock exchanges. Investors have the flexibility to buy or sell any part of their investment at any time at a price linked to the fund's Net Asset Value.
  • Closed End Mutual Fund: A closed-end fund has a fixed number of shares outstanding and operates for a fixed duration. The fund would be open for subscription only during a specified period and there is an even balance of buyers and sellers, so someone would have to be selling in order for you to be able to buy it. Closed-end funds are also listed on the stock exchange so it is traded just like other stocks on an exchange or over the counter. Usually, the redemption is also specified which means that they terminate on specified dates when the investors can redeem their units.

Institutional fund management

HF Asset Management Limited, involvement with institutional is a privilege that we take seriously. We offer our high net worth investors, as well as institutions, tailor-made solutions through our Portfolio Management arm. When trying to select the right investment at the right time you are often confronted with a myriad of complex factors requiring careful analysis, evaluation and monitoring. HF Asset Management Limited can be of invaluable service in this decisive process. Our portfolio management specialists are highly experienced and always manage client assets against a background of financial responsibility that you can expect from the market leader.

Our services

  • Customization of approach based on analysis of each client’s risk tolerance, return requirements, and other preferences, including shariah-compliant investment.
  • Customized mandates, usually across asset classes like equity and fixed income with tailored objectives, are prepared for discussion and approval by client.
  • When objectives are agreed we set out to maximize them, using our expertise and strengths with or without the constraints of benchmarks.
  • We provide personalized and enhanced service – including continuous updates on portfolios, market and company research, access to portfolio managers as well as quarterly visits.

Corporate Advisory

HF Asset Management’s Corporate Advisory business occupies a unique position as an independent specialist advisory group offering advice on strategy, structure, value and capital. Our approach in all situations is first and always rooted in serving the client's best interests, which also means advising a client not to pursue a transaction when it does not enhance their strategic objectives or measure-up to their standards. Our corporate advisory solutions range from providing project advisory services to start up projects to providing Mergers & Acquisition advisory, Financial structuring services, Financing arrangement in both debt and equity form.

Corporate Finance Advisory

  • Assistance in conceptualizing the project at the initial stage.
  • Preparing Financial feasibility of Project
  • Financial structuring including determining the right debt-equity ratio and gearing ratio for the client
  • Exploring refinancing alternatives of the clients and evaluate better sources of funds
  • Advice on rehabilitation and turnaround management
  • Hedging and Risk management

Loan Syndication and Debt securities

Loan Syndication and Debt are undoubtedly the need of the hour for all banks and corporate. We provide a comprehensive suite of advisory services packaged with resource raising.  We have developed uniquely to bridge the separation between the promoters and lenders through its understanding and experience in the area. Our expertise provides only the best to the investors and corporate, enabling them to take care of their business, stress free, helping them raise funds from both local and foreign sources.

Equity Arrangement

Our equity funding solution helps our clients raise equity throughout the various stages of its growth cycle. Many corporate require capital to support their growth without increasing the debt burden on their balance sheet and in order to facilitate this HFAML acts as an advisor that helping the company raise funds through private placement of their shares to various private equity funds in Bangladesh and across the globe.

Our core private equity team extensive experience along with other functional support teams offers end to end equity advisory solutions to corporate in the need of equity capital. Given our long standing relationship with the blue chip investors we assist the company in capturing the complete value of the organization and the brand. The team has a strong experience in negotiating the investment terms and coordinating the due diligence process which results in the faster execution of the transaction.

Our Clients